Curtis is a well-published and award-winning archaeologist and wordsmith with decades of field experience in the American Southwest. He holds a Master’s degree in Archaeology from the University of Colorado. In addition to hundreds of archaeological field-research reports, and chapters in several archaeological anthologies, Curtis is the author of Ephemeral Bounty: Wickiups, Trade Goods, and the Final Years of the Autonomous Ute published by the University of Utah Press. He comes from a literary family: his father and mother are both published authors and his god-father is three-time Spur Award winner, western novelist Wayne D. Overholser.
He has directed projects at Mesa Verde and Rocky Mountain National Parks, the Escalante Site, Lowry Ruins, Colorado National Monument, and Canyons of the Ancients as well as on the Navajo, Zuni, and all three Ute reservations. Curtis has been awarded the Colorado Governor’s Award for Historic Preservation, the Museum of Western Colorado’s Archaeology Award, and the Colorado Archaeological Society’s Silver Trowel Award for “extraordinary contributions to Colorado Archaeology.” He continues to guest-lecture at Colorado Mesa University in Grand Junction where he taught archaeological field and lab methods from 2009 until 2022 when he resigned to pursue his career in fiction writing. Curtis is in demand as a public speaker and frequently conducts presentations and book signings to professional and public audiences alike.
Curtis lives in a small town in West Central Colorado with his wife Marsha. They live in a historic home built in 1899. Sadly, Curtis lost his faithful friend and archaeo dog “Cody Coyo” (pictured above) several years back. He and Marsha are enjoying retirement and the bliss of small-town living. They get to the desert as often as they can. Too many stars to see and dreams to be had!